Dear Georgie,
I hate your stinkin guts
Your sickness has been passed on to me,
and it is driving me nuts.
Now I must drink lots of tea.
Sincerely, Mia
This is my sucky attempt at a poem.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011
This is the first time in a very long time that I am excited for Halloween. Georgie and I are planning on being Betty and Wilma. I think this is so cute! It would be better if we had a Fred and Barney, to complete the look, but who cares! I could totally see us changing our minds 1400 times when we go out to look for costumes though. Georgie brought up a really good point yesterday. She said "Do you remember how much we hated the idea of partying with all of them. How weird we thought that would be". Well "all of them" are the people we have gone to parties with. I say that like we have been to lots of parties. We have been to three and one was not even a full on party. I guess we judged people too quickly. I get mad when people judge me without knowing me, yet I do the very same thing. The people I used to think we so annoying, are actually pretty nice and funny. In high school everyone thinks they "know" everyone, but actually you only know glimpses of them. I can't believe it took me this long to realize this.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Pumpkin Spice!
We all know that fall is quickly approaching. To be completely honest, I am sort of excited. Usually I want summer to last as long as possible but I am starting to really love fall. But the autumn i'm talking about it crisp, sunny days, not rainy ones. I love wearing jeans and a cardigan or a big sweater but not have a wear a jacket or be boiling. Also another main reason I love fall is pumpkin spice latte. I feel like this is my all time favourite Starbucks drink. A close second is the gingerbread latte but that is not until Christmas time. It is just so delicious! It is like autumn wrapped up into a drink. Love it!
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Do I look like an animal catcher?
So this morning I am sitting on my bed, minding my own business, when I see I black blob out of the corner of my eye. I look closer and I realize it is my brother's frog. At first, I didn't want to move! Then I quickly ran for my garbage can. I cover the frog and continue with my life. Not even two minutes later I see it's stupid little face coming through the hole in my garbage can. I quickly shift the can so the hole is not in it's view. I didn't want to use a tupperware container because I didn't want it to suffocate. So I use a basket that is holding a whole bunch of junk. This still has holes but I thought they were not big enough for him to jump through. Oh but they were! I cover him, thinking peace at last, when not even two seconds later he has slithered through the hole and is now outside it. At this point I am freaking out. Not only do I have a frog in my room but I have to deal with it on my own. It is not even my frog! I try to cover him with the container again to allow me to go find something else. But this time he is near the wall so when I cover him, I squash him. He is all flattened down and I though I killed him! He wouldn't move. Now I am crying. I thought I killed my brother's frog and I am frustrated by the whole situation. My brother is texting me and says " just put him in his cage". Do I look like a frog catcher to you? I somehow manage to get the frog in a container with the lid on and put him back in his cage. This was an ordeal and let me tell you it was not fun at all!! And to top it all off my brother doesn't even say thank you! I didn't even get a response from him after I said I put him in the cage!!!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
I couldn't be more excited!! I have been waiting for this forever!! And now it's real!!!!!!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
This isn't actually so bad.
As I sit in the library, bored out of my mind, I realize this actually isn't so bad. I don't actually know what I was worried about. There is actually quite a few kids here from my previous school that I had to talk to. Well not in my class but I saw them out of class. I think this is going to be fun! Well lets hope! I'll probably be all worried again tomorrow but after this week is finished I'll be fine.
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