Thursday 14 April 2011

I want a boyfriend. How many times a day does this phrase go through my head? Almost everything I do I think to myself "Wow, this would be a lot more fun if I had a boyfriend". To be honest I haven't even been close to having one. I never sent cute, flirty texts to guys, or have someone to send them to me. The only guy who has ever told me they liked me was in grade 8. It was through honesty box. I felt really flattered but he really was not my "type". Even though I do not really have a type. No one has ever asked me out, or even hinted at it. How lame is that! Going through my entire high school and never having kissed a guy. Whats the matter with me! I know I am not beautiful and I will never be the girl that turns heads but I am good on the inside. I am too dang shy! I wish I was outgoing and can easily go up to guys and talk to them. But no! As soon as I remotely like a guy I can't even look at them. I am going to end up alone forever. That is my biggest fear.

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