Wednesday 25 April 2012

Why do I feel like this?

My emotions are seriously all over the place. Why do I feel sad? I should be happy; school is done, I have a new dog but I feel like I am going to start crying any second. I really miss Maggie. Getting this new dog made me realize how much I miss her. I thought it wouldn't be so hard after 2 years but its not. I go through phases. Right now I am once again at the part where I can't even talk about her without crying.  Don't get me wrong, I love our new dog. He is super cute and friendly but a little piece of me feels like I am replacing her. People always say that she would want us to get a new dog but I sometimes think she wouldn't. She was the most jealous dog ever. Also to see everyone else in my family so happy with this new dog makes me think they are forgetting about her. I also need to stop comparing his to Maggie. They are completely different dogs and each of them have separate places in my heart. I also feel like I am failing at life. My grades are not as good as I want them to be and it is all my fault. I can't even pretend to blame someone because it is all on me. 

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