Saturday 2 June 2012

It is crazy how fast a year goes

This same weekend last year we were having our grad dinner dance. It is not the exact date but it is that same weekend. It is crazy how long ago that was but it only seems like yesterday. I remember at this time I was freaking out because I didn't want to graduate high school, but now I am happy to never be there again. There are certain aspects that I miss but I am mostly glad that part of my life is over with. People say that they hate high school and that it was one of the worst experiences. For me, it was one of the greatest times for me. I met some life long friends and had fun the whole time. I mean there were some times where it wasn't all fun and good times but the stuff I will remember most is the good times, sitting down our loner hallway, laughing about stupid pointless stuff that only we thought was funny, being crazy kids in french, and overall just having a grand time without a care in the world. I really wish I could relive grad though. That was seriously the greatest part of high school.

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