So I went a little picture crazy and I've probably used these before but whatever!

Friday, 16 March 2012
I miss you guys!
I never get to you guys anymore and I miss you. We need some girl time. I miss being able to see you guys everyday and being able to tell you everything in person. I miss when the longest time we would go without seeing each other is two days over the weekend. I miss french class where we would be weird kids and annoy everyone and not care. I miss sitting down our loner hallway. I miss Millie's laughing fits and Flora's awkwardness. I would include Georgie too but I see her more often. I miss being able to look at each other and bursting out into laughter. I miss laying out in the field on a sunny day. I miss working on our law project and being hopeless at acting. I miss twin day. I miss us freaking out about grad. But most of all I miss how close we used to be. When we do see each other it is like nothing has changed but the times in between I feel like i'm missing a piece of me. I need you guys, you guys complete my life. You are the waves to my ocean, the spring in my step, the frosting on my cupcake. I know I don't need to worry because no matter how long we go without seeing each other, we will always be friends. I think I'm just feeling this way because I'm looking through old pictures. We are such losers!
Day Twenty Nine: A picture of yourself
Well since I want to stay semi anonymous, I have a wonderful drawing of myself for you! Emily Carr here I come!!
Day Twenty Eight: The month you were happiest this year and why.
I'm taking this as a full year ago not just 2012 because I really only have two choices. This is a hard thing to choose since all months have their pros and cons. But I think I would have to go with August. This was a seriously fun month. The most memorable thing was probably going to Mayne Island with my friends. It felt like we were in a movie. I'm not going to go into detail because I have already written about it. Summer makes me happy so I guess this also contributes to my happiness. I had nothing to worry about, besides college starting. I wish I could go back to that summer, but hopefully this summer will be ever better!
Day Twenty Seven: Talk about your siblings
I wish I had a better relationship with my brother. I am so jealous of Georgie and her sisters relationship, they tell each other everything. My brother and I are not that close but then there are times that we are. It's just sometimes he drives me mental. I swear he was born to annoy me. I will admit that sometimes I do over react but sometimes he is so immature. What I love about him is that he is extremely loyal and I know he will always be there for me and willing to stick up for me. He once said to me when are you going to get a boyfriend so I can beat him up when he breaks up with you or something. I thought it was sweet of him.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Day Twenty Six: Your religious beliefs
This is a bit of a tough one for me. I wouldn't say that I have a specific religion. I don't go to church but I definitely believe there is some sort of God out there. The occasional time I will pray, but the I feel a bit guilty because I don't do it often enough. I sometimes feel that sometimes things happen because God has something better planned for you. I also believe that after you die there is someplace you will go. Well at least I hope there is. I also believe in spirits. I definitely think spirits are always around us. Like those moments where you can sense someone watching you. Georgie has had many experiences with spirits. I personally have never but it is still something I believe in.
Day Twenty Five: 10 ways to win your heart
1. Make me laugh. If you can genuinely make me laugh, you have pretty much won me over.
2. Be honest. Tell me what you are actually thinking. I hate playing games.
3. Be yourself. Trying to be someone you are not is such a turn off. I like you for you, not for some jack you are pretending to be.
4. Be adventurous. I am pretty much up for anything so lets do it!
5. Listen when I talk to you and be interested. If it seems like you want to be some where else I will feel like I am wasting my time.
6. Surprise me! I love surprises. All I want is someone to bring me flowers out of the blue. Or do something small that means a lot to me, like bringing me soup when I am sick or call me and say you are picking me up in 5 minutes and we are going somewhere secretive.
7. Say cute things to me. Anything to make me smile.
8. Like kids. Nothing is more attractive than a guy hanging out with young kids.
9. Accept me who I am, crazy.
10. Remember the little things. When I tell you a random fact about me, it is really cute when you remember it. It shows that you listen and care.
2. Be honest. Tell me what you are actually thinking. I hate playing games.
3. Be yourself. Trying to be someone you are not is such a turn off. I like you for you, not for some jack you are pretending to be.
4. Be adventurous. I am pretty much up for anything so lets do it!
5. Listen when I talk to you and be interested. If it seems like you want to be some where else I will feel like I am wasting my time.
6. Surprise me! I love surprises. All I want is someone to bring me flowers out of the blue. Or do something small that means a lot to me, like bringing me soup when I am sick or call me and say you are picking me up in 5 minutes and we are going somewhere secretive.
7. Say cute things to me. Anything to make me smile.
8. Like kids. Nothing is more attractive than a guy hanging out with young kids.
9. Accept me who I am, crazy.
10. Remember the little things. When I tell you a random fact about me, it is really cute when you remember it. It shows that you listen and care.
Day Twenty Four: Things you want to say to five different people
1. You're a freak but I love you. I honestly don't know what I would do with you. You complete me!
2. I really wish we were closer.
3. You never fail to make me laugh
4. I'm so incredibly proud of you!
5. I will I had your free spirit and independence. It is what I admire most about you.
2. I really wish we were closer.
3. You never fail to make me laugh
4. I'm so incredibly proud of you!
5. I will I had your free spirit and independence. It is what I admire most about you.
Day Twenty Three: Something you always think "what if..." about.
What if I never get married and get kids. This thought is constantly running through my head. To be honest I don't think I will have fully lived my life if I don't have kids. Whenever I see cute kids come through my till, I think to myself "I can't wait until I will have one of my own". And with the whole marriage thing, it is seriously something that I worry about. I mean I am almost 19 and I have never had a boyfriend. The longer I'm single the more I think something is wrong with me.
Hi guys,
I guess it is time I actually do something with my life on here. So I may or may not have a bit of a blogging party tonight! Watch me only post one thing after this ahah!
I guess it is time I actually do something with my life on here. So I may or may not have a bit of a blogging party tonight! Watch me only post one thing after this ahah!
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Day Twenty Two: 10 things about you people don't usually expect
1. I am not a quiet kid at all. Once you get to know me you will want me to shut up.
2. People think I'm an innocent person. For the most part I am, but I have done some rebellious things. For example going to a party with Millie's parents car when she only had her L.
3. I'm very self conscious. If I am feeling uncomfortable and I hear people laughing and whispering I automatically think it is about me.
4. I'm usually a pretty happy person. People may be fooled because I feel like my straight face is very unfriendly.
5. I'm a people pleaser. I like to make other people happy and I don't like to make other people inconvenienced.
6. This is the same as Millie but In high school people thought I was nerdy and did all my homework but in reality I am the biggest procrastinator ever!
7. I am actually quite boy crazy. People wouldn't think that because A. I have never had a boyfriend B. I don't have a lot of guy friends and C. I'm not a slut and hanging off of boys I used to never announce who I liked but now I feel like I am more open.
8. I'm quite picky. Picky with food, boys, everything!
9. I'm a shopaholic. I have zero self control when it comes to shopping and buying stuff. I love it so much.
10. When I like something, I obsess over it. Hello, One Direction and The Hunger Games, my current obsessions.
2. People think I'm an innocent person. For the most part I am, but I have done some rebellious things. For example going to a party with Millie's parents car when she only had her L.
3. I'm very self conscious. If I am feeling uncomfortable and I hear people laughing and whispering I automatically think it is about me.
4. I'm usually a pretty happy person. People may be fooled because I feel like my straight face is very unfriendly.
5. I'm a people pleaser. I like to make other people happy and I don't like to make other people inconvenienced.
6. This is the same as Millie but In high school people thought I was nerdy and did all my homework but in reality I am the biggest procrastinator ever!
7. I am actually quite boy crazy. People wouldn't think that because A. I have never had a boyfriend B. I don't have a lot of guy friends and C. I'm not a slut and hanging off of boys I used to never announce who I liked but now I feel like I am more open.
8. I'm quite picky. Picky with food, boys, everything!
9. I'm a shopaholic. I have zero self control when it comes to shopping and buying stuff. I love it so much.
10. When I like something, I obsess over it. Hello, One Direction and The Hunger Games, my current obsessions.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Day Twenty One: Something you can't seem to get over
I honestly don't even know what to say about this. I feel like everything that I say will be so stupid and rude considering what Millie wrote. Hers actually has purpose where as mine would be something stupid like why I'm still single. I can't even imagine what her life must be like everyday and trust me, no one will ever expect you to get over it. If they do punch them in the face, heak, I will punch them in the face because I don't think that is something that you just "get over". Well I guess this is something I can't get over, how rude people can be. Especially since I work with the public, I see more and more each day. This job sometimes makes me hate people. Like did you seriously just say that? I'm going to stop there before I get myself all wound up.
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