Thursday 8 December 2011


Leaving high school is sorta bitter sweet. 6 months ago I didn't want to leave and I was scared to face these new changes. But now that I think about it I am so happy to be out of there. I'm not going to lie there are some times where I long for the days sitting down our loner hallway, laughing and not caring. Or knowing everyone in you classes and feeling totally comfortable. I miss seeing my friends everyday, that's what I miss the most. I didn't think I would miss them as much as I do, I didn't think it would be this hard. But it is. But then there is college and something about it feels right. I don't really know how to explain it but it feels like this is the place I am supposed be in at this point in life. I feel more independent, and I like it. I used to be scared of change, who am I kidding, I still am. But i'm starting to accept that change is meant to happen and you can't get anywhere with out it.

PS. 17 sleeps until Christmas!!!

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