Sunday 4 December 2011

So it's official: I'm an idiot!

Here I am at 1:52 pm on Sunday just starting my 6-7 page essay on Domestic Violence for Sociology thats due tomorrow. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to work 2:30 to 11 tonight. So now I have to get ready to go to work. Tonight is going to be a long night and it is going to be a very early morning to get this done. Ohh the life of a procrastinator. Why am I starting to procrastinate the most when it matters the most! I'll keep you updated on this essay of mine!

On the plus side, My mum and I went to the mall this morning because the dress I just bought is now 40% off. So I ended up getting $18 back! Yay!! I also got my present for my grandparents and Georgie's birthday present. Glad I'm accomplishing something important in my life.

PS. 21 sleeps until Christmas!! (I forgot to do this yesterday!)

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