Thursday 1 December 2011


Yay!!! It is finally December, one of my favourite months! I also think I might do a christmas countdown! Anyways, today after class I went to the mall with Georgie. Since we both didn't have our second class we decided to take advantage of being so close to the mall. As we were browsing the stores, I decided that I would really like a pair of black suede closed toe heels. As we all know once I get an idea in my head it the only thing I can think of. We walk into Spring and I see the most beautiful shoes ever! Well not the most but I sure loved them! They were just what I was looking for. So I got them!

I really don't know why I love them so much but I do! I think its the silver embellishment on the back. They are also quite high but since they have a pretty big platform they aren't too bad! I cant wait to find an opportunity to wear them! 

PS. 24 sleeps until Christmas!!!! 

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