Monday 5 December 2011

December 5th

So today was a very stressful day. Last night I went to bed at 1:30 and I woke up at 8. I only had 1 and a half pages of my essay done. So this morning I powered through 4 and a half pages. At one point I was like this is not getting done. But at 11:30 I finished! It was such a relief! But then the printer was being stupid and jammed but in the end it was printed. Then after school my mum wanted me to go pick up a jacket for my brother for christmas. I was praying to God that the guy that was in there on Sunday was not there. Let me tell you the story: My mum and I go into Zumiez to look at the jackets. Well we find one that my brother might like so my mum wanted me to take a picture. I didn't want to take a picture because thats awkward and I didn't want to get in trouble. Well my mother decides to ask the rather cute boy working there if I could take a picture. He is like sure, go for it. Then my mum is like oh good because she was freaking out. Then I was embarrassed and awkward and the guy just kinda smiled. Good times!

In response to Georgie: I totally get where you are coming from. I definitely feel the exact same way. I feel like I am wasting my time, hung up on some guy, who doesn't even notice me. I think to myself, if he really wants to talk to me then he would. But then again he is "shy". Who knows! I sure don't! Sometimes I wish I could understand the mind of boys. But maybe that's the mysterious part.

PS. 20 sleeps until Christmas!

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