Friday 9 December 2011

Christmas Shopping!

This post will be very similar to Georgie's but I figured I needed to say something also. Georgie and I went to Coquitlam Center to get some Christmas shopping done. This was sure accomplished. All I need to get is something for my friends and I'm good to go! Well I have part of your guys's present but I need something else. Once we figured out a plan it was pretty simple. We went into the body shop and we got these 40% off coupons so of course I had to use it. I got myself a body butter and a lotion for my ma. I also decided when I was in London Drugs that "Hey, I need yet another sparkly nail polish". But I feel in love with it and it was only 3 dollars. I call that a steal!
Tomorrow morning I have to work at 7! I don't think I will make it! I had a bath tonight so I won't need to shower in the morning, because I am so dang smart!

PS. 16 sleeps until Christmas!

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