Today, while walking to the bus stop, I was think how miserable the weather is! It was cold and windy, and just yesterday it was torrential rain storms. I look to my right and what do I see sticking out of the branches of the tree? Small little white bulbs. Some may wonder, what on earth are those and why are they so important? Well, that is the beginning of Spring. The cherry blossoms are going to bloom soon! Spring is my favourite season. Well actually I like all the seasons. I like that where I live we get all the seasons, not just one season all year long. But Spring is my favourite. I love the flowers, the clothing, the sun, EVERYTHING! I can't wait to start wearing dresses, skirts, tank tops, flats, sandals! I love it all. This year I decided I want to wear more skirts and dresses. I love the look of them and they are the perfect spring ensemble.

Thursday, 31 March 2011
High on Life!
Life is great! Today I was in such a great mood! Especially in french! Anytime I am with my friends, I just love life. We were mental cases today! I can't even explain it. But do you know how you get when all your friends are in a great mood and you just feed off of one another. When we are together it is 10 times worse than the normal person. We are all overly excited people anyways and when we are all overly excited it just gets out of hand. We wonder why we do not have boyfriends? Also our top secret plan for Saturday is going to work out! YAY! And we might go to some band thing on Friday night!! YAYAYAYA!!
Friday, 25 March 2011
This is one of my all time favourite quotes! I feel like I kinda live by this quote. I mean when ever something bad ever happens to me I think "everything happens for a reason".
I believe that everything happens for a reason.People change so that you can learn to let go,things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right,you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself,and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.— Marilyn Monroe
I miss my friends!!
I miss you guys!! I can't believe I am actually saying this but I can't wait to go back to school!! I just want to see you guys again. I am used to seeing you all everyday and now for some its been more than a week!! Even though I saw Lillian, Georgie, and Flora on Saturday, I still miss them!! What am I going to do when we go to University?
I am pretty much finished scholarships!! All I need to do is photocopy some things, staple them together, and hand it in!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!! Well I think I'll be happier on Tuesday when these stupid things are out of my hands!
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Instead of working on scholarships, like I am supposed to be doing, I am wasting time. I can't stop! I go to the word document I am working on and then two seconds later I magically appear on Facebook. I can't help it!! But my mum just told me if I work hard she will get me a Starbucks. :) So I better get going!!
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
On Monday I left for Seattle for 2 days. I just got back today and it was so fun! I have never been here before, I have only driven through it. But I had always wanted to go. Anyways we left bright and early Monday morning. Luckily we only had a wait at the border for maybe 5 minutes! Before Seattle we stopped in Lynnwood to go to Alderwood Mall, which is fantastic! It took a little longer than expected because Susan (our GPS) likes to take us on the back roads, completely away from civilization, which sometimes can be a little sketchy. We ate lunch at Panera Bread, which is so so so delicious! I got broccoli and cheddar soup and caesar salad. The broccoli soup was amazing! I am quite picky with my broccoli soup and this was definitely in my top three! After that we went and did some shopping. I was feeling quite rushed though because my brother and dad were having a flip out (they hate shopping). But I did end up getting a few things from Love Culture, Urban Outfitters, and Nordstrom. After, we started to head to Seattle. It was only about a 20 minute drive from here. As we were driving it started to rain. I thought this was a hint at what the weather was going to be like there. But as soon as we entered Seattle it was sunny!! We stayed at the Sheraton. We would never stay in a place that is so expensive but we got a great deal a It is normally around 200-250 dollars a night but we got it for 75! It was a great location too. Right in the centre of downtown. After checking in, we just walked around downtown. Then we went for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was so good!! The portions are huge!!! We wanted to get cheesecake for dessert, but I was so full! I definitely had a food baby. We were so exhausted from the day we just went back to the hotel and went to bed. The next day we went to the Space Needle. It was so cool!!! It is 550 (I think) feet up in the air. The view is spectacular!! Maybe I will post a few pictures later. Words cannot describe the feeling. But I also love stuff like that. After, we took the monorail back to downtown. The monorail is pretty much like a skytrain but it only has 1 stop, and bigger windows. For the people who have never seen a skytrain or been in one, it could be pretty interesting, but for me it was just a regular ride. Next we went to Pike Place Market. It was sorta like Granville Island but not as nice. Some parts were sorta sketchy, and it smelled like fish. But other than that it was pretty cool. This night we went to dinner at Black Angus. We had to drive there because my mama really wanted to go. It was worth the drive. You got sooo much food for the price. It was deeelish! When we got back to the hotel we stopped at the Cheesecake Factory, because it is right beside our hotel, and got some Cheesecake to go. I got Oreo Cheesecake. That was pretty good too. I am pretty sure I gained about 20 pounds from this trip!!
Friday, 18 March 2011
Anytime I see a guy I remotely think is attractive, I totally avoid eye contact! Why? Because I am so awkward. The other day I walked into my grad trans class and Ralph is sitting in there. I happen to be in love with this kid, as well as every other girl in the school. He is just so pretty to look at! Anyways, as I am walking in, his beautiful face looks up from his page and looks at me. What I should have done was smile or something. But no! Why would I do that! Instead I quickly look away trying not to blush. To make the situation even better, when I go up to the printer I rifle through the pages sitting onto to see if mine had printed. My hadn't but Ralph's sure did. As I turned around he is standing right behind and I almost crash into him. I quickly apologize and because he is an angel sent from God, was really nice about it. Now I am standing there awkward not knowing what to do with myself. Should I go sit down? Should I wait until my paper prints? Luckily, my face did not go red. Well, at least I do not think it did.
So I happen to have the slightest crush on Kit. For a while now I kinda thought he was cute, but now that I have admitted it to myself and my friends that I like him, I can't even look at him. I used to be able to go on with my day, sometimes smiling at him in the hallways, but now I can't even look in his direction. It makes me so angry!!!!!! I am so mad at myself!!!!
Hello my "followers"! I use that term loosely, considering I am only have like 5 followers, who are all my friends. School has been really hectic this week. All the teachers have been giving out piles and piles of homework (which I am procrastinating) and I have had a few tests too. Also Grad Trans was due this week, which I have successfully completed! That feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! But now it is SPRING BREAK!!!! Boy, have I needed this! But I do have to do scholarships and piles of homework. I have some in almost every class. AND our stupid English teacher expects us to read, not one, but two books of the break! Are you kidding me!!! Anyways! Expect more posts coming from me this week! :)
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Grad Dress!
This is my grad dress and I love it! I cannot stop staring at it! This picture really does not do it justice. It looks a lot better in person. Maybe I'll post a picture with me in the dress. Before getting my grad dress I was not excited to graduate at all. But now I must admit I am a little bit excited! This is the one day (besides your wedding) where you can dress up and feel like a princess. All I am missing is a prince....
Friday, 11 March 2011
Japan :(
Watching this video is mind blowing. It is hard to in vision something like this happening to anyone. No one deserves this! This makes me fell sick with saddness. This makes me extremely grateful for where I live. I am praying for the people of Japan <3 Stay Strong.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
So today Flora and I were volunteering at the old folks home from 9:30 - 4:00. This was a long day. I feel so bad for the people that live in these places. They are so lonely and it brightens their day when they see you come in. It makes me feel good to be doing something that makes someone else so happy. This lady that I was with today was really funny! As I was pushing her in her wheelchair, another lady asked me for help with her wheelchair. As I was helping her she told me she was going to braid my hair later. I just said okay and went back to the previous lady. She begin to tell me that "That lady does that to everyone who is with someone else. She just wants attention". I thought it was hilarious! She is also the boss of the place. She tells me where to put things and who sits where. And when I said "I don't think they want to sit there" she just shrugs her shoulders and makes a "their loss" face. If you could see me I am doing it right now.
I forgot how much I love this song!
Thanks to Glee, I reconnected with one of my favourite songs! I probably have listened to this song over 100 times in the last 2 days. Both Dixie Chicks and Glee version!
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
How much do I love you! Whenever I watch you, I love my life! You make me happy, excited, and joyful! And apparently use a lot of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How great was Gweneth Paltrow! She makes the show so so so much better! I loved this episode! I LOVE GLEE!!

The more I think about the months ahead, the more I become scared. I will be graduating high school and moving onto bigger things. Sure for most people they are excited to leave the "dreaded" high school. But for me, I actually love high school. You are sheltered. You have some resposibility but the for the important stuff your parents can still take care of you. This new world scares the heak out of me. I hate uncertain situations where I cannot predict the outcome. It makes me nervous. What if I make no new friends? What if I don't stay friends with my old ones? What if I am single forever? What if I fail? These are a few of the questions that go through my mind everyday. Failure is not something I deal with regularly and I am quite tough on myself. This scares me more than anything in my entire life.
Oh Mexico
How I miss you. I miss the warm breeze in my hair, the sand between my toes, the water splashing at my feet. I wish I was in Mexico. Last year at this time I was lying on the nice, warm beach in Mexico. But today I am lying on my bed starring out at the dark grey sky and rain.
Code Names
My friends and I do this! It is so convenient. We can talk all we want about someone, (we do that a lot) and no one will ever know! Because we are such losers, we like to use old fashioned names.
Dear Grade 10 Girls,
Why are you so annoying? Is there any need to scream to your friend halfway down the hallway? What the normal person would do is walk there little butts down the hallway to talk to them . We do not need to hear how you are going over to her house later. Me and the rest of the population couldn't care less. Also must you scream to your friend that is standing right in front of you? I am pretty sure she is not deaf but after a few hours with you she may be. Please do not steal boys hats and then run away screaming. Sure you get some attention, but not in a good way. Everyone thinks your annoying and it looks like you are asking for attention. Last but certainly not least, why do you feel the need to swear every two seconds of your life? It does not make you look cool. There is a time and place for swearing but every two words is not necessary!
Sincerely, An annoyed by-stander.
Sincerely, An annoyed by-stander.
Monday, 7 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011
I want this! It is so stinking adorable! As I watch this I am smiling from ear to ear. Look how happy all these people are! In my life I want to go to a wedding that does this. This is my dream! Not to mention two of my favorite shows , The Office and Glee, were inspired by this video!
Here is the Office's video: Sorry it is not the best quality but I love it! So cute!!
Here is the Office's video: Sorry it is not the best quality but I love it! So cute!!
JK wedding entrance,
The Office,
Why don't people do this any more? Especially guys? Whenever someone does this for me it makes me so incredibly happy! One time Georgie and I were walking down the science wing hallway and a boy in our grade (lets call him Drew) was walking out the door. It was about a one minute distance between us. Drew noticed that we were behind him, and he waited until we got to the door to hold it open for us. It is not like we were right behind him. We were quite a distance. This made me so happy! To think that there is still nice boys out there who will hold doors open for girls. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.
I have a procrastination problem. I can find any way to procrastinate doing homework. I can check facebook 20 times, check YouTube, check the blogs, start searching random things in google, check facebook another 20 times, watch paint dry. The cycle continues until I finally start my homework. For example I just spend 20 minutes reading this chart: 

Why do I do these things to myself? I waste so much time and then I stress out when things are not done. I have lists of things I need to accomplish but here I am blogging away. This right here is my life:
This is me every time I have something due. You would think I would learn but no. Currently I am procrastinating writing an original composition on "Memories Influence Our Lives". Really? What else is there to say about that? I think it is pretty self explanatory but my teacher does not agree. I wonder what he would say if I just wrote self explanatory on my piece of paper with the title Memories Influence Our Lives.
I want to go to Africa!
I want to go soo badly! On a missions trip of course. I think it would be an amazing experience and would totally change your life. Too see the look of the African peoples faces when you help them out would be worth all the work you had to do to get there! It would totally be worth it. It would also change your views of life. Once you came back you would be a changed person. Georgie, Millie, and I (maybe Flora), really want to go to Africa when we are older! How awesome would that be! We had an assembly at school about Free The Children. It made me realise how lucky we are to live where we do. I realised we need to do something to help these people. It is not just a story, these problems are actually happening in the world. Also when I did the Gulu Walk, which raises money for Orphans in Uganda, it really got me thinking about these poor children. They have to walk 8 km everyday to only get water. We had to do it once, and we were exhausted. Most of these children are younger than us, and they have to do it all the time. This made me want to help these people. I also want to adopt a child from a third world country (when I am older of course).
Saturday, 5 March 2011
I am super HAPPY!!
I am extremely happy today!! Why? I have no idea but I love my life! Maybe because I actually got to sleep in today, or because I talked to Kit yesterday. That didn't really go far but it is a step in the right direction! Currently I am procrastinating my life away. Instead of doing homework, scholarships, or grad trans, I am blogging! But who cares!! Here are a few things that make me happy:

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Chanel 2.55
I love these bags! Sometime in my life I want one of these! I know they are super expensive, but they are classy and I don't think these will ever go out of style. Flora and I have an extreme obsession for these. I love the black because I think it will go with everything. But I think red will give you that pop of colour!
Christian Louboutin Shoes
I am an obsession with these! I love the red sole. That is what hooks me on these beauties. Flora and I have an obsession for these too. These make me so so so happy!!
I love puppies, especially Golden Retriever ones! I am a total dog person! When I am older I want two dogs, a golden retriever and a small dog. They are just so fluffy, cute, and cuddly.
My Friends!
I love these girls! They make me laugh all the time and we are always doing crazy things! They complete me!
Of course I have many other things that make me happy but this is all I could think of for now! Oh! I also love milk and cookies because I am eating that now :)
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