Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Dear Grade 10 Girls,

Why are you so annoying? Is there any need to scream to your friend halfway down the hallway? What the normal person would do is walk there little butts down the hallway to talk to them . We do not need to hear how you are going over to her house later. Me and the rest of the population couldn't care less. Also must you scream to your friend that is standing right in front of you? I am pretty sure she is not deaf but after a few hours with you she may be. Please do not steal boys hats and then run away screaming. Sure you get some attention, but not in a good way. Everyone thinks your annoying and it looks like you are asking for attention. Last but certainly not least, why do you feel the need to swear every two seconds of your life? It does not make you look cool. There is a time and place for swearing but every two words is not necessary!

Sincerely, An annoyed by-stander.

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