Thursday 31 March 2011

Spring is Near!

Today, while walking to the bus stop, I was think how miserable the weather is! It was cold and windy, and just yesterday it was torrential rain storms. I look to my right and what do I see sticking out of the branches of the tree? Small little white bulbs. Some may wonder, what on earth are those and why are they so important? Well, that is the beginning of Spring. The cherry blossoms are going to bloom soon! Spring is my favourite season. Well actually I like all the seasons. I like that where I live we get all the seasons, not just one season all year long. But Spring is my favourite. I love the flowers, the clothing, the sun, EVERYTHING! I can't wait to start wearing dresses, skirts, tank tops, flats, sandals! I love it all. This year I decided I want to wear more skirts and dresses. I love the look of them and they are the perfect spring ensemble.

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