Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Day Twenty: The last argument you had
I can't really remember the last full on argument I had. The only things I can remember have been little disputes. And those were probably with my brother over something very silly like drinking out of the juice container.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Day Nineteen: Something that never fails to make you feel better
I am also going to break this up into two parts, things and people:
Glee! Every time I watch it I have a huge smile on my face. I actually think I am going to broaden the subject and say all of my favourite tv shows because there is just so many that I love so much.
Sunny Weather
Classes being cancelled
Taylor Swift and music in general
Laddergoat, need I say more?
My mama and Georgie! I couldn't just choose one of them because they both make me feel better in different ways. Georgie always knows the right thing to say and my mum can always make me laugh.
Glee! Every time I watch it I have a huge smile on my face. I actually think I am going to broaden the subject and say all of my favourite tv shows because there is just so many that I love so much.
Sunny Weather
Classes being cancelled
Taylor Swift and music in general
Laddergoat, need I say more?
My mama and Georgie! I couldn't just choose one of them because they both make me feel better in different ways. Georgie always knows the right thing to say and my mum can always make me laugh.
Day Eighteen: Disrespecting parents
I hate this whole post, its a stupid topic. Like what do you want me to say about this. Really I don't think you should disrespect your parents but sometimes you have to. It is all part of growing up. Like Millie said, I'm lucky to have parents who aren't crazy and they give me enough freedom to make my own decisions. They trust me and I trust them so I don't have to be disrespectful to them.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Day Seventeen: Things that make you scared
Being alone forever. I'm scared I'm going to never get married and be single forever. This seems so silly to be afraid of it, but the thought crosses my mind a lot.
Dying. I'm scared of loved ones dying as well as myself. I don't want to die without living my life.
Rejection. The reason I am afraid to do most things is because I don't want to get rejected and have my feelings hurt.
Failure. I know failure is an important aspect to life because it allows you to learn and grow but I hate it. I'm my own biggest critic.
Heights. I used to not even be phased by this but I've noticed it is becoming more of a fear. I actually don't think its the height that bothers me, its more of the edge, the possibility that I could fall. That is what scares me.
Dying. I'm scared of loved ones dying as well as myself. I don't want to die without living my life.
Rejection. The reason I am afraid to do most things is because I don't want to get rejected and have my feelings hurt.
Failure. I know failure is an important aspect to life because it allows you to learn and grow but I hate it. I'm my own biggest critic.
Heights. I used to not even be phased by this but I've noticed it is becoming more of a fear. I actually don't think its the height that bothers me, its more of the edge, the possibility that I could fall. That is what scares me.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Day Sixteen: 3 things you are proud of about your personality
This one was hard for me to come up with three things about myself. I'm not really the kind of person to "brag" about myself. I more often see the flaws instead of the good things.
1. I'm caring. I'm always looking out for the people who mean a lot to me. Heak, sometimes I am worried about people I've only met a few times. My friends call me the mother sometimes because I'm always looking after everyone.
2. I'm usually up for anything and I'm pretty easy to please. I will usually be up for any idea that someone comes up with and even the smallest things make me happy.
3. I like to think I'm a good listener. I may not always know the right thing to say but I will always listen to your problems.
1. I'm caring. I'm always looking out for the people who mean a lot to me. Heak, sometimes I am worried about people I've only met a few times. My friends call me the mother sometimes because I'm always looking after everyone.
2. I'm usually up for anything and I'm pretty easy to please. I will usually be up for any idea that someone comes up with and even the smallest things make me happy.
3. I like to think I'm a good listener. I may not always know the right thing to say but I will always listen to your problems.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Day Fifteen: The best thing to happen to you this week
By week I mean the past 7 days. My life is not very exciting so I don't have much to choose from. My post is similar to Millie's because mine is about hanging out with Georgie on Friday. It was supposed to be all four of us but plans sadly didn't work out. Anyways Georgie and I hung out and played sing star, watched our grad video, watched an old camp video and had a little dance party. I had a lot of fun and I don't really feel like writing anymore about it.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Day Fourteen: Something disgusting you do
I can't really think of anything super disgusting I do so I guess I will just saying eating. No, I'm not saying I have an eating disorder, I mean the way I eat. My motto when eating is lets see how much food I can fit in my mouth at one time. Its quite disgusting. Especially salad or pasta. I always try to shove the whole piece of lettuce in my mouth without even trying to cut it. I end up looking super cute trying to put it into my mouth. Or with pasta I end up with sauce all over my face. Maybe this is why my perfect date would be cooking at home. So others don't have to watch me eat.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Day Thirteen: A date you would love to go on
I would love to go to the ocean and just walk along the water enjoying the scene and each others company. I would also really like to have a night in and cook with each other and then after watch movies and cuddle on the couch. I think this would be a lot of fun. I really don't need expensive dinner or an extravagant date, just being with each other is enough for me.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Day Twelve: Things you want to say to an ex
Well since we are all fully aware that I am a dating virgin I have nothing to say to an ex. But to make things a little more interesting I'm going to change this to things you want to say to an ex-friend. It is weird to think how people can go from being extremely close to hating them.
Dear Cow Face
I hate the person you have become. What made you change everything about yourself? I know you wanted to be popular and everything but why did you have to leave us? What was so horrible about us? It hurts to think that you didn't really care. I may be biased but I think we would be way better friends then those "friends" you have now. I can't even listen to words coming out of your mouth without wanting to hurt someone. I guess I saw it coming, or maybe you were always like this and I just didn't notice. But I feel like you could be your real self around us. I remember our Monday's when we always hung out. Even though you were starting to become friends with them, you always told us we would always be your number one. I guess that was a lie. I think it turned out to be a good thing that our friendship didn't last. I'm glad it didn't end in a fight but at the same time I think it is harder to watch someone drift away and not be able to do anything about it.
Dear Cow Face
I hate the person you have become. What made you change everything about yourself? I know you wanted to be popular and everything but why did you have to leave us? What was so horrible about us? It hurts to think that you didn't really care. I may be biased but I think we would be way better friends then those "friends" you have now. I can't even listen to words coming out of your mouth without wanting to hurt someone. I guess I saw it coming, or maybe you were always like this and I just didn't notice. But I feel like you could be your real self around us. I remember our Monday's when we always hung out. Even though you were starting to become friends with them, you always told us we would always be your number one. I guess that was a lie. I think it turned out to be a good thing that our friendship didn't last. I'm glad it didn't end in a fight but at the same time I think it is harder to watch someone drift away and not be able to do anything about it.
Friday, 17 February 2012
Day Eleven: Discuss your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
I am 100% single! Like nothing exciting happening in my life what so ever. Single life sucks. I try to think positive and be like you are more independent when you're single or you don't have to worry about anyone else. Quite frankly I am sick of it. I am ready to be in a relationship. After 18 years of being alone, I think it is time to spice things up in my life. I really need to join some clubs or put myself out there. All I want is a nice and funny boy who will treat me well. I don't ask for much. I'm not asking for someone who is rich or a Ryan Gosling look a like or someone to buy me loads of presents. I just want a normal boy! Is that so hard to ask! Single life can shove it where the sun don't shine!
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Valentine's Day
I think this was the first Valentine's Day when I wasn't constantly thinking how great it would be to have a boyfriend. I did think about it a little bit like when I saw boys buying flowers in the grocery store or when I saw Georgie's face at dinner instead of a boy but I quickly got over it. Maybe it was because I was not alone. I did spent the day with someone I love but not in a romantic way. We went to Starbucks, visited the doggies at the SPCA, got some candy, went out for dinner (like the losers we are), made chocolate covered strawberries and watched the Notebook. I think next year if all of us do not have boyfriends on Valentine's Day we should have a girls night and watch sappy movies and feel sorry for yourself. When you are not alone it is a lot less depressing.
Day Ten: Your views on drugs and alcohol
I think it is your choice if you want to do drugs. However, if you do anything other than weed you are stupid. I think you are pretty much killing yourself. I don't think I would ever do drugs but I'm not going to judge someone who does. Let me rephrase that, I will not judge you if you do weed once in a while. But for people who need to do it to get through the day, i'll judge you a little bit but I will mostly feel bad for you because you life has become so dependant something so bad for you.
I don't see anything wrong with alcohol as long as you know how to control yourself. There will be times when you have too much to drink (I've been here, and so has Georgie) so you will need to learn where your limits are. Some people don't know when to stop and thats where the problem is. Also when people only know how to have fun with alcohol. I have no problem with underage drinking but I don't feel too comfortable with grade 9 kids going out and getting drunk with no supervision. Their bodies can't handle stuff like that and they are still growing.
I think it is your choice if you want to do drugs. However, if you do anything other than weed you are stupid. I think you are pretty much killing yourself. I don't think I would ever do drugs but I'm not going to judge someone who does. Let me rephrase that, I will not judge you if you do weed once in a while. But for people who need to do it to get through the day, i'll judge you a little bit but I will mostly feel bad for you because you life has become so dependant something so bad for you.
I don't see anything wrong with alcohol as long as you know how to control yourself. There will be times when you have too much to drink (I've been here, and so has Georgie) so you will need to learn where your limits are. Some people don't know when to stop and thats where the problem is. Also when people only know how to have fun with alcohol. I have no problem with underage drinking but I don't feel too comfortable with grade 9 kids going out and getting drunk with no supervision. Their bodies can't handle stuff like that and they are still growing.
Day Nine: Your last kiss
By last kiss they obviously mean my one and only kiss. I really don't know what to say about it. Everyone already knows who it was so there is no need to for an explanation there. To be honest, I'm pretty content with who it was with. It wasn't the most magical thing ever but I didn't hate it either.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Day Eight: Something you're currently worrying about
This is really weird because for once in my life I'm not worried about much. The only thing I can think of is school. But since I am on break it is not affecting me that much. There is the odd time where I have a bit of a panic because I have a lot to do but I am pretty carefree right now. I should soak this up because it really doesn't happen that often.
Monday, 13 February 2012
Day Seven: Your opinion on cheating on people
I think this the stupidest, most selfish thing a person can do. When you cheat you are not thinking of the other persons feelings what so ever. I don't know if I could ever forgive someone who would cheat on me. Actually, how can I say that, I've never been faced with an experience like that before. I guess if would depend on the situation. I would much rather someone break up with me and break my heart than cheat on me. I think to cheat on someone you must be unhappy in the relationship so why would you cause someone even more pain by cheating on them.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Day Six: The person you like and why you like them
I'm not going to say who this person is just in case by some miracle of him actually finding my blog and knowing its me but we all know who i'm talking about. My feelings towards him are on again and off again. If I haven't seen him in a while they start to fade but once I see him I realize they are not gone. I know I am wasting my time but its not like I'm turning any one else down. To be completely honest, I'm really not too sure why I like him. There is just something about him. I find him attractive but not a lot of people do. What I really like is how close he is with his family. I think it was the first or second time we met, he was showing me a picture of his little sister and I could just see how much he cared about her. And he seem pretty nice as well. Without going in to much detail, he didn't so something when he had full opportunity to because he didn't want to hurt someone else's feelings. I thought that was quite nice.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Day Five: Five things that irritate you about the opposite/same sex
So I'm taking this as to do both, not one or the other.
Same Sex: 1. I hate how fake most girls are. Writing on each other's walls saying they love them but then the next day they are saying how much they hate them or are talking about them behind their backs. This actually drives me crazy! Why can't people just be themselves. Seriously, if I don't like someone I won't say it to their face but I sure as heak won't pretend to be friends with them.
2. It also really bothers me how most girls have to go to tanning beds (and become orange) and have their boobs pushed up in every single picture.
3. High pitched screams.
4. All the drama that girls create. So pointless and it causes so many unnecessary problems.
5. How some girls have to make everything a competition.
Opposite Sex: 1. How you can never really know what they are thinking. Boys brains are actually a whole different language.
2. Their need to always be so macho and tough. Sometimes people just want you to be normal.
3. I don't know if all boys do this but I have noticed a few. How they always have to touch their "family jewels". Do you see me holding my boobs all the time, no! So I don't want to see that.
4. They are so unpredictable. I think this has to do with the whole different language thing. I never know what they are going to do next.
5. Sometimes they are so blind to whats going on around them. Open your eyes!
Same Sex: 1. I hate how fake most girls are. Writing on each other's walls saying they love them but then the next day they are saying how much they hate them or are talking about them behind their backs. This actually drives me crazy! Why can't people just be themselves. Seriously, if I don't like someone I won't say it to their face but I sure as heak won't pretend to be friends with them.
2. It also really bothers me how most girls have to go to tanning beds (and become orange) and have their boobs pushed up in every single picture.
3. High pitched screams.
4. All the drama that girls create. So pointless and it causes so many unnecessary problems.
5. How some girls have to make everything a competition.
Opposite Sex: 1. How you can never really know what they are thinking. Boys brains are actually a whole different language.
2. Their need to always be so macho and tough. Sometimes people just want you to be normal.
3. I don't know if all boys do this but I have noticed a few. How they always have to touch their "family jewels". Do you see me holding my boobs all the time, no! So I don't want to see that.
4. They are so unpredictable. I think this has to do with the whole different language thing. I never know what they are going to do next.
5. Sometimes they are so blind to whats going on around them. Open your eyes!
Friday, 10 February 2012
Day Four: What you wear to bed
Well this is not too interesting but here we go. During the winter I am always freezing so I wear pj pants and a long sleeve shirt, sometimes a sweater. I also have like 20 blankets on me. During the fall and spring, I usually wear pj pants and a baggy t-shirt. And in the summer, I usually wear shorts and a baggy t-shirt.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Day Three: What kind of person attracts you?
For starters I am a complete personality person. I would never date someone just for their looks. But to be initially attracted to someone you have to think they are good looking. I am a complete sucker for a nice smile and nice eyes. But mostly smile. They make my heart skip a beat. To actually like someone though, I need to like their personality. They have to be genuinely nice. But not too nice, they have to be able to stand up for themselves a bit. They have to be able to make me laugh and they have to have a good sense of humour themselves. Laughter is such a huge part of life I can't imagine spending my life with someone who can't make me laugh. Someone who enjoys playing with kids is seriously the most attractive thing ever. I know this is so far into the future but I think the reason I like it so much is because having kids is a big part of my future plan.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Day Two: How have you changed in the past two years?
As Millie said, I never really noticed the change all at once, it was more gradual. Two years ago I was very insecure. I cared way to much what other people though. Im not going to lie, at times I am still very insecure but I don't let it bother me as much as I did before. I don't really care what other people think anymore. I also noticed I am a lot more independent. In high school I could barely go to the bathroom alone, now I am doing most things by myself. I think it also has to do with growing up a bit. I also think I am a little bit more outgoing. I mean people aren't going to think "Wow she is outgoing!" but for me I notice a change. I definitely think this has to do with getting a job and being forced to talk to other people and to put myself out there. I also realized the people who I want in my life and the people I don't. Two years ago I was someone who was stuck in the same place, scared of change. Now I know that change needs to happen and I am now moving forward with my life.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Day One: Weird things you do when you're alone
So I decided I will try to tackle this 30 day challenge. As you will soon see, I am off to a great start. I'm having some issues coming up with weird things I do when I'm alone because I am weird all the time and I will be weird around my friends.
1. I pretend I am the singer to the song I am listening to. I will not sing the song though, only lip sync it. Sometimes I will just rock out in front of the mirror, other times I will full on record myself on my webcam to see if I look like I could actually be singing the song.
2. I will have full conversations with myself. Talking about life, giving myself motivational speeches, you name it!
3. I will run everywhere I go. You don't know how many times I have whipped my hand against wall because I was running so spaztically. My new favourite way to run is like an ostrich. Its super cute.
4. I don't know if this is exactly weird but I don't think a lot of people do it. Sometimes I decide to try everything on in my closet. And by everything I mean everything! I will put together different outfits and all that jazz.
5. I also like to try to do crazy makeovers to myself. I will put on really dark eyeshadow and really dark foundation and red lips. Boy do I ever look good! I always change it up every time!
I think that is all I can come up with right now! Once I started writing more things came to me and I realized I am quite a weird wombat!
1. I pretend I am the singer to the song I am listening to. I will not sing the song though, only lip sync it. Sometimes I will just rock out in front of the mirror, other times I will full on record myself on my webcam to see if I look like I could actually be singing the song.
2. I will have full conversations with myself. Talking about life, giving myself motivational speeches, you name it!
3. I will run everywhere I go. You don't know how many times I have whipped my hand against wall because I was running so spaztically. My new favourite way to run is like an ostrich. Its super cute.
4. I don't know if this is exactly weird but I don't think a lot of people do it. Sometimes I decide to try everything on in my closet. And by everything I mean everything! I will put together different outfits and all that jazz.
5. I also like to try to do crazy makeovers to myself. I will put on really dark eyeshadow and really dark foundation and red lips. Boy do I ever look good! I always change it up every time!
I think that is all I can come up with right now! Once I started writing more things came to me and I realized I am quite a weird wombat!
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
February 1st
Today Georgie and I went to dance after 8 months of doing nothing. I knew I missed it but I didn't realize how much I actually did. As we were in there it felt like nothing had changed. I remembered the entire warm up and I was not as stiff as I thought I would be. While doing the warm up though, I realized how my life feels sorta empty without it, like a whole piece of me is missing. From being there for 11- 12 hours a week to not being there at all is a huge difference. It also got me thinking how I would always complain about going to dance and it made me really angry at myself. You really don't know what you got until it's gone. I realized that you should take nothing for granted because you never really know when you won't have it anymore.
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