Thursday 9 February 2012

Day Three: What kind of person attracts you?

For starters I am a complete personality person. I would never date someone just for their looks. But to be initially attracted to someone you have to think they are good looking. I am a complete sucker for a nice smile and nice eyes. But mostly smile. They make my heart skip a beat. To actually like someone though, I need to like their personality. They have to be genuinely nice. But not too nice, they have to be able to stand up for themselves a bit. They have to be able to make me laugh and they have to have a good sense of humour themselves. Laughter is such a huge part of life I can't imagine spending my life with someone who can't make me laugh. Someone who enjoys playing with kids is seriously the most attractive thing ever. I know this is so far into the future but I think the reason I like it so much is because having kids is a big part of my future plan. 

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