Thursday 23 February 2012

Day Seventeen: Things that make you scared

Being alone forever. I'm scared I'm going to never get married and be single forever. This seems so silly to be afraid of it, but the thought crosses my mind a lot.

Dying. I'm scared of loved ones dying as well as myself. I don't want to die without living my life.

Rejection. The reason I am afraid to do most things is because I don't want to get rejected and have my feelings hurt.

Failure. I know failure is an important aspect to life because it allows you to learn and grow but I hate it. I'm my own biggest critic.

Heights. I used to not even be phased by this but I've noticed it is becoming more of a fear. I actually don't think its the height that bothers me, its more of the edge, the possibility that I could fall. That is what scares me.

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